Error message

  • Deprecated function: TYPO3\PharStreamWrapper\Manager::initialize(): Implicitly marking parameter $resolver as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in include_once() (line 19 of includes/
  • Deprecated function: TYPO3\PharStreamWrapper\Manager::initialize(): Implicitly marking parameter $collection as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in include_once() (line 19 of includes/
  • Deprecated function: TYPO3\PharStreamWrapper\Manager::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $resolver as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in include_once() (line 19 of includes/
  • Deprecated function: TYPO3\PharStreamWrapper\Manager::__construct(): Implicitly marking parameter $collection as nullable is deprecated, the explicit nullable type must be used instead in include_once() (line 19 of includes/

How to backup your Windows Mobile data using PIM Backup?

In our Windows mobile too there are system crashes. So the most important thing is to save our mobile data such as contacts, SMS, etc. PIM Backup allows us to backup all our mobile data like SMS and contacts. The previous version of this software was PPC Pim Backup, using which we were able to only backup the personal information of user. But PIM Backup comes with added features which are user friendly and advance too. 

How to backup your data in Linux using Image for Linux Software?

Image for Linux 2.00 is very reliable program used for taking image backup in Linux OS. Taking the backup and restoring the backup is very simple job using this software. This software works in Linux environment but we can backup any partition including those from Windows and DOS too. This software contains feature using which we can restore the backup file from any mount point. NTFS, FAT32, and FAT files can also be accessed using this software. This software works with RAID hardware (on board).

One snap backup of your data using Snap Backup

Snap Backup is one click backup program provided to us to secure our important files in cases of system crashes. It supports all the available OS such as WINDOWS, UNIX, LINUX, MAC OS etc. Frequent backing up and archiving of important data is made easy by this program. You can back up your data on external storage devices also such as USB Drives, USB Hard Drives etc. The created backup files are stored in zip folders which can be opened by any popular programs available for zip.

How to backup your system data using ABC Backup Pro 4.76 Software?

ABC Backup Pro allows us to download, upload, copy data automatically using the scheduling feature available with it. The system data can be stored in various storage medias such as USB hard drives, CD/DVD, also the data can be stored on remote ftp servers and network disk using the scheduling. This software backup schedule feature contains no limitation on the schedule task. Archiving the data in this software is done by zip algorithm. 

How to backup your Internet Explorer Settings Using BackRex

Many times we face problems with the browser or plug-in and to fix this we need have neutralize the browser. Neutralizing your browser means deleting cookies and changing the security settings back to defaults. Even if you are able to restore Cookies and Favorites with Internet Explorer, however its time consuming to restore your browsers back to your desired configuration. Using BackRex Internet Explorer backup you can simply backup this in few minutes and can even set the schedule backups. This application as an additional feature wherein you can transfer your existing IE browser settings like cookies and favorites to a new system.

Backup with Backup-2006 Studio

Backup-2006 Studio is a powerful backup, synchronization, and disk image backup utility tool. This helps you to backup any folder to any destination e.g. Local/Network drive, USB external disk etc. It will help you to save all your important data and to develop a critical backup strategy. Classic backup module, synchronization and disk image are parts of this application. 

How to Backup and Recover your data with Comodo BackUp

The good idea is to take regular backup copies of your files for protecting our important files, the collection of family photos, the important thesis and data collection through out of the life and many more. The Comodo BackUp is a free, easy-to-use programs that allow you to create, run and schedule your own backups.  And this application suitable for both beginners and experienced users alike and is completely free of charge.

How to take a complete registry backup using ERUNT

Microsoft made a wise decision at the time of its invention of Windows 95 to systematize all computer and application specific data which was broaden over numerous INI files prior in a centralized Windows database. This is called as the system "registry". In the entire windows system today, the registry is the crucial parts and without registry the system can’t even boot. The registry is very sensitive to get damaged or corruption hence it is highly advisable to back the registry files from time to time.

Backup your system data using Sbackup in Ubuntu (Linux)

In today’s Microsoft Windows OS dominated market, Linux OS still has its big fan club. Ubuntu OS is version of Linux. In Ubuntu many times there are system crashes. Also when you have to upgrade the Kernels in Ubuntu OS it is recommended that first you should take the backup of the system. Till now my all articles for backup were Microsoft Windows related. Following article will help Ubuntu users in case if they want to backup there system. 

How to take system backup using GRBackPro?

GRBackPro is an award winning Professional data backup software specially designed for taking the backup of Windows and Windows server versions and easily solve your backup problems without much effort. It has a feature in which you can define multi backup sessions with different options. Also the integrated restore feature allows you to maintain two PCs aligned together. This software is also features many professional options. It has an integrated scheduler to start your backup automatically without your involvement. It does not require any special system requirement can work with all the new version systems. 
